Vision & Values
Our vision
For God, for each other, for the community

Our values
God is at the heart of everything we do and we long to meet with Him through His Word and His Spirit.
Everyone is welcome here and can belong, just as they are.
We share in God’s mission to see Cranbrook and beyond flourish.
Life Groups
God is at the heart of everything we do and we long to meet with Him through His Word and His Spirit.

To make all this happen we rely on your support. Giving finances helps us to run Sunday's and provide events such Alpha, Toddler Groups and Carolokie!! Our promise is that as you commit to give Cranbrook Church will give away generously too - we aim to spread the love by give away to local and international charities.

We are able to be the church God created us to be if we all share what we have - our time, gifts and talents - finding places to serve, grow and flourish as followers of Jesus.

You looked forward to coming to church every Sunday, because you are known and loved here, like being part of a big loving family.
Wouldn't it be great if...
Sundays - 10.30am
St Martin's School, Cranbrook,
You are so welcome to join us at St Martin's Primary School on Sundays for weekly church gathering.* There's always good coffee, great conversation and a thought provoking talk from the Bible and something for teh kids. On the third Sunday we do Messy Church, where the whole gathering is aimed at kids.
We can’t wait to meet you and get to know you!
*Please note we do not normally have a gathering in Cranbrook on the 5th Sunday.